Effective tillage technology allows the farmer to save almost $60/ha
Effective tillage technology allows the farmer to save almost $60/ha
Effective tillage technology allows the farmer to save almost $60/ha

Effective tillage technology allows the farmer to save almost $60/ha


The practice of the enterprise in the Cherkasy region and the Kirovohrad region proved that when using the BEDNAR technique, the economic benefit of the farm amounted to almost $60/ha, and this is without expenses for the wages of the operator, and the depreciation of the tractor and trailer equipment.

Volodymyr Salaponov, a specialist in working with key customers of "Titan Machinery Ukraine" (the official distributor of BEDNAR agricultural machinery), spoke about the results of the farm during the third online conference "Inter AgroLab — the way to efficient farming".

"Trygon Farming Kharkiv LLC has in recent years switched from the traditional plowing technology to deep loosening with the simultaneous application of fertilizers to the future crop row (this allows the root system to develop as actively as possible in the future). Currently, we will show the results of the application of the technology, which includes all operations of soil preparation from the main to pre-sowing and, accordingly, the sowing of sunflower in the conditions of the predecessor of corn for grain. The operation of the main processing in the farm was carried out with the BEDNAR TERRASTRIP ZN 8R/50 unit to a depth of 30–40 cm (loosening with simultaneous application of fertilizers) in cooperation with the BEDNAR COMBO SYSTEM CS 5000 hopper, which has 2 sections with the possibility of combining two types of fertilizers," - says Volodymyr Salaponov.

Tukosumish 7-19-29 was applied at the application rate of 120 kg/ha. The norm was perfectly maintained thanks to the electric drive of the dispenser installed on the hopper under excess pressure. It was possible to process 55–60 hectares per day.

"As a result, the farm received a good sunflower crop. With plowing, the average yield of sunflower in the farm was 3.71 t/ha, while with the use of deep loosening, with the simultaneous introduction of fertilizers into the soil profile, the average yield was 3.87 t/ha. "After the obtained results, Trygon Farming Kharkiv LLC completely switched to deep loosening technology," said Volodymyr Salaponov.

He adds that the moisture sealing operation in the farm was carried out with a BEDNAR SRTIEGEL-PRO harrow, which also made it possible to evenly distribute the crop residue over the field. The width of the harrow is 12 m, which makes it possible to process 250 hectares per day. This is 2.5 times more than the productivity of the LPG harrow, which also works on the farm.

The BEDNAR SRTIEGEL-PRO harrow is also used in the summer behind the harvester in the "Trygon Farming Kharkiv" LLC to seal off moisture and provoke the growth of carrion, for example, after wheat, soybeans, thus saving on fuel. Previously, disc units were used, while 6–7 l/ha of fuel were consumed, with a harrow, 20% less fuel is consumed.

Volodymyr Salaponov called the SWIFTER compactor a "bestseller" among units for pre-sowing tillage. The farm has 2 such compactors with a width of 10 m, each of which makes about 100 hectares per day. One of them has a working area of more than 30,000 hectares and at the same time prepares the seedbed in one pass, even in the presence of plant remains of corn.

Volodymyr Salaponov added that, depending on the technology and working conditions, the task of pre-sowing processing can also be effectively performed by units such as the BEDNAR VERSATILL universal cultivator, which, in addition to stubble processing, is a good solution for pre-sowing processing, especially in conditions of a large amount of crop residues, and the SWIFTERDISC disker. All these units can qualitatively perform pre-sowing soil preparation, depending on the technology of soil cultivation.

The results of the technology in the economy of "Trygon Farming Kharkiv" LLC:

- Sunflower yield in the farm increased by 4% (from 3.71 t/ha to 3.87 t/ha). Thus, for sunflower prices of $344/t, an additional $13.76/ha was received.

- Fuel savings for the use of a deep loosener, compared to plowing, amounted to 25%. At diesel fuel prices of $1.32/l, the saving is $6.6/ha.

- Due to the smaller number of operations in the field, additional fuel savings amounted to $10.3/ha.

- Savings on the amount of fertilizers (from 150 kg/ha to 120 kg/ha), at a cost of fertilizers of $0.98/kg, amounted to $29.11/ha.

"Agrarians should remember that high-quality pre-sowing treatment and sowing of seeds will ensure uniform, friendly seedlings, and as a result, obtaining the maximum harvest," - notes Volodymyr Salaponov.