The richly functional cultivator ROW-MASTER RN has a universal stone frame for victorious planting in inter-row processing for ruynuvannya soil pick and the use of weeds in wide-row crops. The interval of regulation between the rows of 45 to 80 centimeters allows ROW-MASTER to vykoristovuvat when sowing corn, dormouse, beetroot and other sleepy crops. To increase productivity and change the growth rate in the rows, the cultivator can be equipped with the CultiCam automatic guidance system.
BEDNAR ROW-MASTER is a universal tool for processing sugar beets, corn, sunflower and other row crops to obtain a higher quality crop.
- designed to destroy soil crust,
- effectively destroys weeds in between rows of row crops,
- thanks to the clearance of the frame allows you to work on tall crops buz damage,
- has an easily adjustable row spacing.