CASE IH Demonstrated Axial Flow 9240 combine with maximum set of accessories at Agritechnica-2017 exhibition


The Axial Flow 9240 combine presented at Agritechnica-2017 exhibition is equipped among other things with AFS precision farming system which ensures repeatability of operations up to 2.5 cm as well as reduction of production costs and maximum use of land potential.

AFS AccuGuide automatic guidance and steering controls are responsible for the accuracy of the operations. And AFS RowGuide system in conjunction with the AFS AccuGuide provides precise, driverless steering when harvesting corn thus reducing operator fatigue during long shifts. The AFS Pro touch screen acts as an interactive setting and control of the machine. It allows you to track harvesting, fuel consumption and speed, connect external cameras, store work reports and manage ISOBUS tools. The AFS Pro touch screens are interactive, fully customizable and portable between Case IH machines.

The Case IH AFS Connect telematics system allows farm owners and managers to track and control machines from the office, monitor machine performance in real time on a computer, and to carry put remotely troubleshooting and communicate with drivers using accurate GPS and wireless networks for data transmission. Analysis of the derived data allows improving of the logistics thus reducing fuel consumption and increasing productivity.

With the AFS field management software package you can view the operations performed for each field, performance achieved, fuel consumed during each operation, and, which is the most important, the yield data.